When was the last time you went to Best Buy, Walmart, or Mc Donald's and said "I am here because I saw your advertising and it got me to come in"?
I had a client who told me after a month of advertising that his sales were up dramatically. However only half of them said they were here because of the TV commercial.
Instead of tracking your success that way, you should only track your advertising by the cash register!
Think about yourself, do you enjoy filling out those questionnaires? Do you always answer the truth? Do you say, yes I saw your yellow page ad 3 years ago, then a I heard your radio commercial last June, then I drove past a billboard a few months ago, and I also saw your TV commercial last week, then went to google, and then I called you!
Think about it.... That is probably the buying cycle of a lot of your customers. Which media gets the credit for that?
I am not saying this because I don't want to be held accountable by my clients for their advertising. Today more than ever we need to be accountable for results. I am just saying take a step back and think about what is more important: your customers saying your advertising is great, or the cash register ringing????
Track your advertising by immediate and long term sales with the cash register.