- The cost of a commercial has nothing to do with the cost of acquiring a new customer
- In your advertising, you are buying eyeballs, not commercials
- Invest in the media that gives the most efficient way to reach those eyeballs
- Compare your advertising on an Apples to Apples comparison
- What does it cost to reach a 1,000 of your potential customers?
- Not on how much a "spot" costs, that has nothing to do with your advertising being efficient and becoming an investment rather than another expense!
- When the politicians have one chance to win the votes of America, what media do they choose to use? BROADCAST TV.... BECAUSE IT WORKS AND IT'S EFFICIENT (sorry that was a soft sell, but the truth!)
- What is the reason why they are selling their product so "cheap?" Is that what it's worth?
Long story short, don't be fooled by the cheap price of something. Ask yourself: "Will this be an investment or am I just buying something because it looks so cheap?"