Friday, September 11, 2009

Andrew Edens added you as a friend on Facebook...

You may recognize the Headline, if so you are involved in Social Media.

I am on Facebook, I have posted videos on YouTube, I just started a Twitter account. I see how it can be beneficial to make friends and keep in contact with friends and family.

However, I don't fully comprehend how to make it work for a local business. I have read articles and done some research, however I want to hear from you! Have you used any Social Marketing Media for your business, why or why not?
I will continue to learn more and someday speak knowledgeably to my clients about how to use it to increase business. Until that time I will ask for your real world opinions and do more research.

I know there are benefits to a business if it's done correctly and enough time is devoted to it.
Thanks for taking time and letting me know your thoughts.
Just click on the comments below and leave a comment, or email me directly at Thanks for your help!

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