Wow, the power of Social Media. I recently posted a artilce called "Guerilla marketing to Hippies" and I just got an email from Linda (see message below) who was part of the Wheat Thins marketing team at Bonnaroo. See below. Seems like they did a great job!
Hi Andrew,
I came across your blog post about “Guerilla marketing to hippies” and wanted to share with you what Wheat Thins did at Bonnaroo this year in addition to the impromptu performance you saw. Check out the video below.
Bonnaroo “Crunch Den” highlights:
Feel free to post if you’d like.
Linda Lee
Splendid Communications
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Just an idea....but a great one...maybe?

Just an idea I had when I was mowing the grass last night.... Let's say you pick 10 good potential prospects to call on. You send them each a $2 bill.
You then make a claim. Whether it be, I bet you this $2 that I won't waste your time, or you will learn something, or I can help grow your business.
Some sort of bet that they will not be disappointed if they meet you.
I think this accomplishes a few things: 1. Makes your letter different from all the rest 2. If the "gatekeeper" is the one opening the letters, there is a great chance that they will forward the letter and money onto the owner 3. You have a great opening line when you call for the appointment "Hi this is Andrew from ACME company and I was interested in earning my $2 back from you!" This is definitely an ice breaker compared to all the other "lame" opening statements we make. must not go broke...Make your meetings important and have the client wanting to give you that $2 bill a whole bunch of other money!
Just my two cents......eeerrr...just my $2
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Have you heard....

I always ask my clients early on in the "diagnosis" stage of our partnership what is the best form of advertising you have done?
9 out of 10 times I hear "Word of Mouth"
This may be the same for you as well. Let me ask you this: What are you doing to control the Word? Are you blogging, are you emailing, podcasting, or advertising something that will create a buzz worthy of talking about????
You can control the Word of Mouth by creating something special that will get people talking about your buisness.
You can create the best form of advertising..... you just have to DO IT!
A special gift if you read all the way down to the bottom of the article..... The Bird is the Word...spoken by the famous Peter Griffin
Guerilla Marketing to Hippies???
So I went to Bonaroo this past weekend to help my uncle sell coffee with his coffee concession trailer.
Across from our stand I watched something that sparked my interest. I saw an impromptu bluegrass band start playing....well impromptu is what I thought. I soon saw people handing out free wheat thins, other people taking a short survey, other people handing out coupons, and then other people taking pictures of the interactions of the people, the product, and the band.
Right during a 4 day hippie festival I spotted grass roots marketing! Long Live Marketing!
Plus I got to see Connan O Brien, Stevie Wonder, and Jay Z all at the same concert!
FYI: I did try to fit in....I didn't shower for 2 days!
Thursday, June 10, 2010
What is better than food? Free Local Food!

I am trying to do some "grass roots" marketing for Pick TN Products
Do you currently buy local products:
a. at farmers markets
b. at stores
c. every chance you get
d. don't do it because of cost/convienience
e. are not aware of local options
Please pick any that apply and email your answer back to me at and one lucky person will receive a HUGE gift basket from Pick TN Products filled with a load of great local products! Thanks for your help! Also any other thoughts on local produce good/bad/misconceptions...everything would be appreciated...thanks!
Glass Analogy for Local Buisness

Most clients spend a little bit of money (water) in a lot of different places (glasses.)Of course there is a good reason for each one of these marketing glasses. Unfortunately, they are only putting a little bit of money (water) in each glass. This keeps you message “muffled” with the other 2,000 marketing messages seen daily.Clients have found if they take the money they have been putting in their 8-10 glasses and put it only 2-3 glasses the impact is soars. The reason for this is now you are “owning the audience” and being top of mind with the glasses that you are filling.The first dollars that you put into the glass do little. It is the last bit of water you put into your full glass that generates the most results!
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