Just an idea I had when I was mowing the grass last night.... Let's say you pick 10 good potential prospects to call on. You send them each a $2 bill.
You then make a claim. Whether it be, I bet you this $2 that I won't waste your time, or you will learn something, or I can help grow your business.
Some sort of bet that they will not be disappointed if they meet you.
I think this accomplishes a few things: 1. Makes your letter different from all the rest 2. If the "gatekeeper" is the one opening the letters, there is a great chance that they will forward the letter and money onto the owner 3. You have a great opening line when you call for the appointment "Hi this is Andrew from ACME company and I was interested in earning my $2 back from you!" This is definitely an ice breaker compared to all the other "lame" opening statements we make.
Now....you must not go broke...Make your meetings important and have the client wanting to give you that $2 bill back...plus a whole bunch of other money!
Just my two cents......eeerrr...just my $2
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