Who is representing your company? You may have the best price, product, service...however if I come into your store and your employee is rude, having a bad day, or doesn't know their product... your company just lost a sale....
When I walk into Best Buy...that employee waiting on me is BEST BUY...you may have the best everything, but if that employee doesn't represent your brand you will lose me as a customer...
What are you doing to ensure your brand/image is staying consistent with the message you want to portray??? One way is secret shoppers, secret phone calls.... this may seem simple and archaic but it will keep your employees on their toes and not "take a play off". It will also help you keep the image you want.
Also if you are taking surveys of your customers...of course ask what we do good, but more importantly ask what we did bad...that is where you can make the biggest improvements....
Remember if I get bad service I will tell 10 people, if you treat me well I will tell only 2-3 people...
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