Monday, October 31, 2011

Honesty is the Best Policy

I watched a lot of Leave it to Beaver and Bonanza growing up with my dad. Two things that came out of watching those shows were 1. I had my first crush on June Cleaver and 2 Honesty is the best policy!

My dad always referenced the term "I'd rather hear bad news from you than the teacher/principal/neighbor. Gosh that is so true, even in the business world.

Too often we find out our advertising partners run something wrong, didn't run it or made a mistake by someone telling us or us having to find out ourselves.

Even worse, everyone has a million excuses. As we all know and come to appreciate: If someone simply says "it was my fault and I am sorry" wow that means a lot. Simply because it is the truth and you don't hear it anymore!

Long story short, if you screwed up, admit it right away, take ownership, apologize, and fix it. That simple.

Thanks to Ben Cartwright, Haas, The Beaver, my dad, and June Cleaver for the correct advice!

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