I'll be honest, I'm cheap, or to be politically correct I am conservative. With that being said I am always looking for a deal. Here's some criteria to earn my business (plus the other thousands of potential customer you could have:
- Make it an incredible offer. I will only try you and leave my current provider if it is an unbelievable deal. And yes, you as the owner may not make much money on this, however it is now your job to show the new customer how great you are!
- I got an oil change coupon for $8 off an oil change, big deal, is my oil change still going to be$45? Show me how much it was and now show the incredible deal.
- Same thing with %percentages. Consumers don't know/don't care about percentages. Don't use them, show the price, customers know price.
- Referral Programs - If you want me to put my name on the line for you, make sure you give me something that is worth that risk.
- Rewards program- if you don't have one, get one ASAP. Everyone wants to feel appreciated and think about it if you have a card that you buy 4 oil changes and then you get one free, where do you think they will go? Remember make it a great reward!
Remember, the time to show you are family owned, a great place, and trustworthy is after you have them in the store..... the key is to get them in the store..... with a great offer!