Friday, April 17, 2009

Go Big or Go Home!

If you are going to advertise, commit to it.
Don't throw a few dollars at it. Make an investment in your advertising.

If you just spend a little in a few areas, your voice will never be heard.
When you are advertising you must own the audience.

If your budget is smaller, narrow your focus.

Peter Drucker said "Focus is the key to economic success!"

Instead of advertising for two weeks a month, go to one week

If you are only doing a week, go to M-W or W-Sat.

When you are talking to your customers make sure you are speaking LOUD!

Bottom Line:

It is better to be top of mind with half instead of back of mind with all!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Who are you going to make mad today?

You can't please everyone, so don't try!
When thinking about about your creative message ask yourself:
Will this get the attention of my target market?
Will this push them to purchase from me?
You run the risk of being just of the other 2000 marketing messages your customer sees in a day if you worry about trying to please everyone.
Talk to your target market. Don't worry about upsetting someone who was not going to buy from you anyway.
Bottom line: If you try to be everything to everyone, you will be no one to everyone!

As Seen on TV

I assume you have seen this logo before.
Why is this image so powerful? The reason is because if you are on TV most people assume you must be credible and successful.

Simply by being on TV you earn instant credibility. This can be both good and bad.
Joe Schmoe could go on TV claiming to be the best carpenter, however he could be the worst, however people will initially assume he is reputable because they saw him on TV.
Heck, even this image alone is enough to open a store. You may have seen the numerous stores called "As Seen on TV Store"

Bottom line, TV adds credibility to your business. It's up to you to live up to the credibility!
Last question: When is the last time you saw "As seen in the NEWSPAPER, or As heard on the RADIO stores?

Friday, April 3, 2009

Cheaper is better.... Right?

What is cheaper?

A $20 commercial that doesn't work, OR a $100 commercial that does work?

More on this topic in the near future....

How do you track your advertising?

I have a tough job in advertising sales. (insert tears here) Nobody wants to buy advertising, and consumers don't like to say it works on them!
However I need to be accountable that my clients are getting good ROI.
The last time a business asked about how you heard about them, what did you tell them? Did you tell them that you saw them in the newspaper 8 months ago, then saw them on TV a few months ago, checked out there website a few weeks ago, and today you went to the yellow and picked their business instead of all the others from all of the previous contacts you have had with the business? Or did you simply say I got your # from the yellow pages?
As consumers we don't like to admit that advertising works on us, because we are all stronger than any creative commercial.
Your different advertising mediums should all benefit each other if you have similar messages. Your TV should benefit your direct mail, your website should benefit your newspaper.
The best way to track your advertising success is by the sound of your CASH REGISTER!