Monday, March 29, 2010

Keep it Simple Stupid (The KISS Lesson)

Keep It Simple

It's Good Enough For McDonald's

This came from a collegue (Phil Bernstein) of mine in another market. It drives home the point KISS (Keep it Simple Stupid) People/potential customers can absorb one message only at a time!

McDonald's is best known, of course, for their food. But for those in my industry, they are known as one of the most sophisticated marketing companies on the planet. They have spent an enormous amount of money and time researching consumer behavior, and they are very, very good at getting a customer to walk into a store.

McDonald's has a lot to talk about:

Egg McMuffin
Big Mac
Quarter Pounder
Chicken McNuggets
The Happy Meal

But you never see a commercial that pitches the Egg McMuffin, the Bic Mac, the Quarter Pounder, the Filet-of-Fish, Chicken McNuggets, and the Happy Meal. A McDonald's commercial goes like this.

One product, and a very simple offer -- two sandwiches for $3.00. Easy to understand, and easy to act on.

If that approach is good enough for McDonald's...

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